Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) is a National Programme implemented by the Ministry for attraction of talent amongst students to study science and pursue career with research.
The basic objective of the programme is to communicate to the youth of the country the excitement of creative pursuit of science, attract talent to the study of science at an early age and thus build the required critical human resource pool for strengthening and expanding the science and technology system and R&D base.
Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)” is an innovative programme sponsored and managed by the Department of Science & Technology for attraction of talent to Science. The basic objective of INSPIRE is to communicate to the youth of the country the excitements of creative pursuit of science, attract talent to the study of science at an early age and thus build the required critical human resource pool for strengthening and expanding the Science & Technology system and R&D base.
Merit based selection of students for INSPIRE Awards is done by the Head Master / Head Mistress / Principal of each school, who is required to send nomination of best children, having aptitude for science, with all relevant details, to the District Education Authorities, who will send these to DST through State Education Authorities. All middle and high schools in the country, (having classes 6th to 8th) including private schools, are eligible to participate in the scheme .
INSPIRE Programme covers students in the age group 10-32 years, and has five components:
1. INSPIRE Award (for 10-15 age group),
2. INSPIRE Internship at a science camp with opportunity for interaction with global science leaders (for 16-17 age group),
3. INSPIRE Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) @ Rs 80000/ per year for continuing education at B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels (for 17-22 age group),
4. INSPIRE Fellowship for doctoral research (for 22-27 age group) and
5. INSPIRE faculty for assured career opportunity (for 27-32 age group)
Under the INSPIRE Award Scheme, large number of nominations, running into lakhs, have to be processed for selection of the students for INSPIRE Award. DST plans to e-manage the entire INSPIRE Award Scheme by using State-of-Art latest Information Technology which would enable e-filing of nominations by the schools across the country, its processing by the District and State authorities as well as DST in accordance with the norms of the scheme, transmission of data of selected students to the banks, credit of Award amount to the bank accounts of selected Awardees (wherever notified) or preparation of INSPIRE Award Warrants by the bank and their dispatch to the selected Awardees and all such related activities concerning implementation of the scheme, management of the data, generation of various MIS returns etc.
DLEPC: District Level Exhibition and Project Competition,
SLEPC: State Level Exhibition and Project Competition,
NLEPC: National Level Exhibition and Project Competition