National Council of Science Museums (NCSM) conducts national science drama festival for school students where in theatre is used as a medium for developing science temper among students.
This drama festival (competitions) is conducted every year at Taluk level, district level, state level, zonal level and national level for VIII – X students.
Contests at
*District level – September/October
*State level _ October
National level – November 28th to 30th, 2019 at VITM, Bangalore,
The main Theme for National Science Drama Festival 2019 is “SCIENC & SOCIETY”
The Sub themes are as follows.
Divisional Level Scienc Drama Contest before 15.10.2019,
District Level Science Drama Contest before 20-10-2019,
State Level Science Drama Contest 30-10-2019 & 31-10-2019,
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE The competition is open to school students of VIII, IX & X standard only.
The script of the drama must fall under any of the above sub topics.
WHILE WRITING THE SCRIPT THE FOLLOWING POINTS SHOULD BE KEPT IN MIND 1. The drama should not be an academic exercise and uninteresting. lt should convey emotional, as well as aesthetic experience to the performers and also to the audience. 2. It should totally engage the audience and convey educational message. 3. While writing the script. care should be taken regarding the setting. duration of the play and also the number of actors taking part in the drama.
OTHER GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Duration of the play should not be more than 30 minutes. 2. There should not be more than 8 characters in the team (as a team for easy mobility). 3. It should convey scientific message related to the theme as mentioned above. 4. The drama team should be able to set-up props and other necessary requirements to stage within 5 minutes. 5. The language should be easy to follow (more of visuals theatre preferred). 6. The drama can be in any official Indian language 7. The drama may have costumes. dance, music, mime and also models to enhance the interest and credibility of the drama. 8. Written poster / banner / Audio-Visual Aids can also be used for illustration. 9. The participating school has to submit an authentic Hindi I English translation of the script to the organisers welt before staging the drama in case the drama is being performed in any other official Indian language. 10. Education Dept of each State shall select Top Two Best Dramas from their State level contest and nominate for the Southern India Science Drama Festival to be held at VITM.
JUDGEMENT CRITERIA: • Scientific content in the play – 30 Marks • Presentation of the play – 50 Marks • Effectiveness of the play – 20 Marks
Prizes may be awarded in cash or kind as detailed below in the Southern India Science Drama Festival.
The panel of Judges may or may not recommend prizes if the dramas are not upto the expected standards. Best play- 3 prizes( First, Second and Third prizes will be awarded based on the overall performace by the team members) First two prize winning dramas of SISDF-2019 will participate in the National Science Drama Festival 2019. Best direction-One Prize Best Script-One Prize Best Actor(Male)-One Prize Best Actress(Female)-One Prize